Be The Difference, Inc.

Present Minds ~ Future Leaders

Our Mission

Be The Difference strives to make unique economic, social, and academic contributions to our community through mentorship and scholarship while equipping and encouraging others to do the same.

Case for Support

Individuals with a bachelor’s degree earn roughly $32,000 more a year in comparison to those with just a high school diploma (, 2014). That means in a lifetime a college graduate with a bachelor’s degree earns a $1 million more than an individual with just a high school diploma (Social Security Administration, 2020).

The 2014 – 2015 Indian River County Children’s Needs Assessments states, “The County lacks quality child care and education, and there is a need for services that help children grow and strive” which has “major implications to our County’s future.”


Our Model

Be The Difference’s ultimate goal is to position the students we serve to facilitate positive change. In order to achieve that, we model our programs after Kouzes and Posner’s evidenced-based Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Kouzes and Posner (2007) evidenced based model suggested the following practices, skills, and abilities for leaders to be exemplary leaders and successfully move their team to a common goal.